Monday, March 29, 2010

Life Style In UUM

The first day come to the uum...

28th JUN 2009 is the register day for the uum students.
That day I saw many people come from different state and also
other country.
Many people busy to take their begs and go to the register place.


There is the place for our registeration…
All the students busy to do the register in the courter.

The place is where the students register ...
All the students waiting to their turn…
And also their parents waiting their sons register only
go back…

After finish the register all the students need to go dewan mas
to attendance the speech and take the oath as a student uum…
Now…all the students is waiting to go to the dewan mas…

ok!!! go now lo...

All students very excited go to the dewan mas...

There is our main uum hall...
There is the largest hall in university malaysia...
This place can enter about more that 5000 people...

The speech is talk about to introduce the around umm environment...
The rule must be follow ... what can do and what we cant do...
And many many thing...

At the early time, all very fresh to hear it...
But this speech is taking very long time...
So all my friends all feel bored and...

Hehe...and some of my friends...

Tired face...but sweet...

After finish listen the speech...
At students' needs to take the oath for obey the rule of uum...

After finish take the oath all students go back their own dpp...

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